Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Edwin!!

My nephew is 2 today! I was so honored to get to be in the delivery room when he was born....

baby2 copy

Yesterday, we celebrated his birthday at a place called Simply Play. It was a lot of fun and Edwin (and Anthony) had a blast. I'll do a more extensive post in the next day or two...but for tonight I thought I'd at least share a couple. It's been a long day with a sick child, my back's hurting worse than normal and I've got a ton on my plate. But I had to wish my sweet nephew a Happy Birthday! I love you handsome!!


Looking at this picture you would think he had gotten an awesome gift...which I'm sure he did, but he was excited about the tissue paper...haha



Diana said...

Yay!!! Thanks for posting these :) I was feeling guilty because I didn't have a bday post for him on my blog...but no internet makes it tough! haha. We had so much fun and I love that we get to share these milestones together :)

Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

Happy B-day, little guy!