Thursday, March 19, 2009

Doing some more catch up...

  I still have quite a few "old" sessions that I want to get blogged so I can concentrate on blogging new stuff. So I decided to lump together 4 of my mini sessions that were for the holidays. I did some at the beach, some at the park and some at my house. I still have another 4 to blog tomorrow....

Here is the Vick Family...

Stuart is Anthony's tball coach and that's how I got to know them a year ago - such an awesome couple. Then they hired me to photograph their wedding in October - yet another post I need to do still.

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Here's the Baucom's. Brian is a physical therapist and I actually saw him once or twice about a year ago. His wife was the one that contacted me from a referral from a friend and low and behold I knew her husband.

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Here is Owen.... he's a little spit fire..haha... he kept me on my toes, but we still got some good shots...

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And finally, here are the Bradstreet's.... they've been on the blog before and I'm sure they will again!

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