Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday Dr Seuss!


My son and Dr Seuss share something very important.... their Birthday! This week at Anthony's school (and I'm sure at many other schools around the country) they are celebrating Dr Seuss. Every year, both kindergarten classes dress up as their favorite Dr Seuss character and put on a parade for the rest of the school (grades 1-8). Anthony decided he wanted to be The Cat in the Hat....we've had about 2 weeks to get his costume together and of course we waited until 2 days ago to do it..haha. But the majority of the costume was my wonderful hubby's doing and my parents and I helped with the rest.

Today was the parade.... it was so awesome to see our little kindergarteners strutting their stuff for the whole school ...throwing candy and then going around the parade route a second time for high 5s. The local news even came out, so they starred on the 5 and 6 o'clock news casts tonight. Anyway...I brought the camera (of course), but didn't have time to edit any of these before sharing don't judge...haha.

Oh this week is also "Read Across America" we've been busy (doing what we should do anyways) reading with Anthony every day. He is doing so well....there's a couple books he can almost read all on his own....I don't remember learning how to read until 2nd grade...they are doing so awesome.

Ok, so here's some pics....

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Check out my baby's tail..haha (I lost it earlier today..never thought I'd say that!)

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Check out this little girl's hair...I LOVE IT!!!


After the parade, they went back to their classroom for a story - Dr Seuss of course and then special Dr Seuss cupcakes.

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Gigi said...

These are so fun!!!

Amanda Dengler said...

these are cute. that wide angle is fun too.

Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

I wish I could go back to Kingergarten!