Thursday, May 8, 2008

Samantha + tball

Wow! Have I mentioned how busy I've been? haha. Last week, I took a ride out to Burgaw, which is about 30 minutes from Wilmington. 2 families had asked me to come take pics of their kiddos playing ball. So this is Ms. Samantha. She played 1st base on her tball team. She was really good!!

This isn't my "normal" type of photography that I do, since sports photography is a whole different ballgame (pardon the pun)...but I'm always happy to help out and get some pics for you if I can....

So here's Samantha...

(Mom, I'll have the rest of the pics up on my site in about a week and I'll send you the link.)

In a few weeks, we're going to be doing a family session, so I had to take a pic of little sis as a preview :)

1 comment:

Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

You do a really good job of getting those action shots! Can't wait to see their family photo shoot.