Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Muellers

I'm still playing catch up with my blogging. I have tons of sessions from the end of 2008 to share with you, so I'm going to make it my goal to blog every day for the next week. So keep me honest....if don't blog every day until next Wednesday, shoot me an email after midnight. The first person who "catches" me will get a $10 Itunes gift card (but don't get too excited - I'm going to keep up my end of this..haha).

Here's a couple of adorable boys that I photographed during my holiday mini sessions in November (I can't believe it's Feb already!) These guys were sooo adorable. The very first picture I captured was so awesome, so I knew they were going to be easy to shoot. They were a little silly at times...but that's boys for ya!


mueller-2 mueller-3 mueller-4 mueller-6mueller-5  mueller-8 mueller-16 mueller-10 mueller-19 mueller-12 mueller-18 mueller-20 mueller-15


Diana said...

Wow, those boys are adorable!! And even though these are from last year, it's so easy to tell that your work just continues to get better and better. Awesome job!

Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

Cute kids! They should be models!