Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sherry and Chris: The Reception

Well, it took a few days, but I have a good reason. I've done 18 sessions in 4 days!! So, please be patient with me over the next few weeks. My family will attest to the fact that I'm working around the clock and I only stop to sleep (for a little bit anyway...haha).

As mentioned before, Sherry and Chris' wedding weekend was so much fun. They had their reception at the hotel that the majority of their out of town guests were staying at. That made it really easy for everyone and I think that's part of the reason that there were still so many people there towards the end of the evening - nobody had to drive!

They had multiple food stations in the ball room where you could get a bite to eat and then of course there was the dance floor where the majority of the party took place!


They did their first dance right away. They are so cute together! I love the way they are looking at each other in this picture....


A bit later it was time for the cake cutting.... they did it so politely....I was surprised. I was sure there would be some cake smashing! haha

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This little guy was so stinkin cute. I loved his little cowboy hat - he looked so handsome. I couldn't decide which of these pics to post, so you get to see both!

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Sherry's dad was so nice and made my sister and I feel so welcome. You could tell he loves his little girl very much.


On the wedding photo checklist, Sherry wrote in that she wanted a picture of both families in one big happy picture. So instead of making everybody stay after at the church, we took it at the hotel. I love it!


At every wedding, I try to get a picture of the bride's shoes...


Back to the party....Sherry ditched her heels for her cowboy boots and put on quite the show - she is an awesome dancer!!


Some more dancing pics....

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I can't remember what was going on here.....I think it had something to do with her Bachelorette party....


There's my little buddy again...


Finally, they had a limbo contest. It was absolutely hysterical....

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And one last picture of the bride and groom and their photographers!! Thank you guys so much for a terrific weekend. I wish you all the happiness in the world!


Now....back to editing. I'll post sneak peeks on the blog as often as possible as well as business updates. Can you all believe it's already Nov 12th?? Where did this year go?!?


Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

Looks like so much fun!

Diana said...

You're darn right it was so much fun!!!! Everybody, and I do mean everybody was soooo nice...soooo much fun...and sooooo festive! It was a rockin' party and I can't believe we were able to be a part of it.

The pics looks fab of course...I really like the first b&w of the whole room...looks so classy! And little cowboy-man...adorable.

Anonymous said...

Sherry, how beautiful you were! The wedding looked like it was so awesome. I am so happy for you both and your pictures are ALL so fabulous. XOXO Miss you.

Anonymous said...

I really LOVE your work. I enjoy looking at your many beautiful pictures!