Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Donovan Twins

I hope everyone had a nice weekend. My hubby and I went out of town - to Hickory, NC - to photograph a wedding. In fact it was the winners of my wedding giveaway - Emily & Stephen. They were so gracious and happy we were there...we had a blast even though it was an outdoor ceremony/reception and it rained the entire weekend!! Pics to come soon, but we still got some awesome shots even in the rain!

Now onto some cuteness. Some of you may have seen a few of these on my facebook page. If I post on FB, I make sure to not post the same pics on here (sometimes just a couple are the same). So it's still worth looking in both places! I had never had the opportunity to photograph twins, so one weekend when we were at the Farmers Market, we ended up talking to this couple that were pushing their newborn twins in a double stroller...oooh so cute! So I told them I was a photographer...gave them my card and begged them to let me take pics of their babies. Apparently they didn't think I was too nuts and they called soon after. Newborns are tough to photograph anyway...but when there's 2..watch out! When one slept, the other was awake...when one cried..the other was calm...lol....but we had fun and I got to snuggle the babies..never a bad thing... :)

So here they are in all their cuteness..

 donovan-2donovan_twins-9 donovan-8 donovan_twins-1donovan-6donovan_twins-13  donovan_twins-5 donovan_twins-15  donovan-11donovan_twins-7 donovan_twins-18 donovan_twins-10

Don't forget to sign up for a mini session and/or enter the current contest!! :)


Diana said...

I wish I was better with words so I could express how AMAZING these pictures are!!!! What sweet little babies!!! Hope the parents liked them :)

Brittany Baker said...

I bet the parents are glad they bumped into you at the farmers market!!! You did such a great job!! I love how baby girl is wide awake and baby boy is fast asleep!! I'm guessing mommy is tired! : ) Love the black and whites!! Can't wait to see you this weekend!!!