Friday, November 20, 2009

Still Waiting…

Well, it was looking like my niece was going to arrive today, but no such luck. My sis has been having contractions since 9:30pm last night…. they looked like they were getting a little closer together and then they got pretty irregular later this afternoon. So after lots of walking and a doc appointment….we’re hoping she still goes on her own…otherwise they will admit her to begin her induction on Tuesday evening. Keeping our fingers crossed and saying lots of prayers that she goes on her own and goes when the time is right (although at this point, I admit…we’re all anxious and hope it’s sooner rather than later!!) Even though there was no baby at the end of the day….it was beautiful outside here today and we got to take lots of walks together and have plenty of girl talk (Mom, Diana and myself)…so that was fun. I’ll post any new updates as I have them.

On the computer front, my awesome hubby has worked many hours to get my data transferred to the new computer. I’m now working on all of the little details…. finding the programs I use on a regular basis and re-downloading them…setting up different rules in my email account that got lost in the move…. etc etc….it’s coming along nicely and OMG…it is SOOO Fast!!!!  And now…this tired Auntie in waiting is off to bed………….

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