Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Little Update....

UPDATE - Friday, Nov 20th... My sis is in labor!!!! Hooray! Contractions are not super close at the moment but we think today is the day so good timing since hubby is working hard on my computer transition! Pray for quick, painless (haha) labor for my will come soon after she's born of course! :)

I wanted to post in case anybody needs anything in the next couple of days. I got a new computer – hooray! It’s going to double my productivity (at least – possibly more) because it’s going to be so much faster. Unfortunately there is no easy way to move the info over to the new computer and there’s no “good” time to do it. So soon as I finish this post, I’ll be shutting down my current computer and won’t be able to work (i.e. edit, place orders, etc) for up to 48 hours. The good news is..that once the new one is up and running, I’ll be able to edit much much faster and I anticipate being able to fly through my current edits. There is still plenty of time before the holidays, so no worries….everyone will get your proofs, holiday cards, etc in time. It’s like when your flight is delayed and they make up the time in the air..haha…hopefully when the new computer is ready…I’ll make up the time in the air! In addition, my sister is still pregnant so I will be taking at least a day off when she has the baby…but hopefully she’ll have the baby in the next 24 hours and while my hubby is working on my new computer I won’t lose any additional working time!

Thanks for your patience and understanding….this new system really is going to improve turn around from here on out….

Have a great night!


P.S. I will still be available by email (and phone), I’ll use the hubby’s laptop…so turnaround on emails will be a little slower, but I will still answer them.

And I have to include a pic...most of you have probably seen this but it's one of my favorite pics from a photo session I did with Anthony.....I'll share more later.



Amanda Dengler said...

hooray!!! jonathan and i just got a new computer too--it's AWESOME! lightroom makes me happy now, not crazy. haha. but i'm moving stuff over as i need it, so it took me a few days to transition.

you're going to love it!!

Diana said...

Auntie Katie, it looks like Lillian is going to cooperate with your plans to transition the computer - I think she's on her way!!!