Friday, February 5, 2010

Fit and Fabulous Friday

Yes, this is still a photography blog. No, I haven’t blogged anything photography related all week. Yes, I’m trying to get into the new routine of my new healthy lifestyle. Yes, it’s overwhelming. Yes, it’s worth it. Yes, I’m still getting work done. No, this post isn’t going to be long. Yes, I’ll blog more client sessions next week. Yes, I know you can’t wait!

Ok, so I thought I’d start a new feature on the blog each week, called…you guessed it, “Fit and Fabulous Friday!” Totally original right?!? I’ve been planning it all week and had big big ideas and then I went to Pilates today (for the first time ever). Apparently you can get a really bad headache if you don’t breathe the right way?!? Um yea, leave it to me to not know how to breathe and end up with a monster headache. So this post will be short and sweet and much better next Friday cuz my head is throbbing. But I had to post today because, well, I couldn’t come up with a catchy title for Saturday!

I had a great first week. I have been tracking everything I eat and drinking lots of water. I’ve cut out almost all soda. (I had been drinking – gasp – 4 to 6 cans of regular soda daily! Gee, wonder where some of that weight came from?) I walked and/or did the Wii Fit activities and lost a whopping 7 pounds!!

Soooo… here are some of my “Fit” Tips for the week…things that I’ve been doing that I know work…

  • Drink your water!! At least 8 1-cup glasses a day is the recommended amount. And bonus…you’ll have to walk back and forth to the potty all the time so I’m sure you burn a few extra calories :)
  • Write down what you’re eating. It’s so easy to grab a handful of something here or there and not think anything of it. Wow…what an eye opener this week when I actually paid attention to this.
  • Not sure what a serving size is supposed to look like? Get out the measuring cups. I’ve been doing this and um yea…let’s just say I thought 1 serving before was like 2 or 3 servings in actuality.

Finally, here’s what’s on my “Fabulous” radar for this week….

  • - This website is amaaazing and so helpful. It’s completely free. I can track what I eat, how much I exercise, how many glasses of water I drink etc and it’s super easy and fast. When I input my weight and my goals, it tells me an appropriate range of calories, fat, carbs, fiber, protein etc that I should have each day. So I know that if I eat w/in those ranges, and burn the recommended calories during cardio, I’m going to lose weight. They also have spark points. You earn points by doing things such as tracking your food etc and by posting on message boards, creating your own spark page (like a facebook page), and you earn different trophies. Yes, I’m a dork, because I love to earn my spark points..haha.
  • Down comforters, blankies, etc etc – It’s been cold here in Wilmington (in case you don’t live here) and I have been loving my new down comforter and throw blankets I got for Christmas – one even has fleece on one side. Awww…heaven! Can’t wait to snuggle up on the couch tonight w/my boys and my cozy blankets!
  • My I-pod. Since I work from home, if I want to listen to music I just listen to it right on my computer. I’ve had an Ipod for like 6 or 7 years, but it has been collecting dust for the last 3 years because I haven’t been working out. So it’s been really fun to listen to old playlists – especially the good ole 80’s tunes! Got a good workout tune? Share it in the comments!

One last thing I plan to include in this weekly feature is a picture of yours truly. I am always behind the camera rather than in front of it, yet that’s where you all are when you meet me (usually). Yesterday, I did a couple of headshots for Brian’s cousin and then handed over the camera and asked her to take a couple of me. I think she did a great job :) I need to learn to love this lady here in this picture so I need to look at her a little more often.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful weekend!!




Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

I know I told you before, but I'll say it again. Awesome work! It's funny reading your re-cap and see what you've learned this week.

Here's a Saturday idea: Sweaty & Sexy Saturday. lol.

Diana said...

It shouldn't be too hard to learn to love that lady...I sure do :) I'm proud of you sis!!!!

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Amanda Dengler said...

keep up the good work!!! those changes you've made are awesome. another bonus of drinking water--it's (almost) free. you're saving money too.