Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter and My Birthday

As you know....since my sister hijacked my blog...today is my birthday. I had a great day...I worked on (and finished) my taxes..nothing like waiting until the last minute...and then spent the evening with family...out to dinner and a little shopping. Thank you all for the birthday wishes - I feel so loved!

I have had tons of people email me (or call) and ask if I was ok because it's been so long since I posted on here. It wasn't intentional....I've just been absolutely swamped...and I kept saying "tomorrow I'll get something up on the blog..." So like my many diets...tomorrow never got here..haha. So I will try hard to post more often again. Also, I am kinda behind on my editing and responding to emails...so please be patient. Like usual...I'm working many many hours a day and I have this problem with saying NO to others....haha...

So....I thought I'd share some pics from our Easter weekend. I didn't take the time to edit them (because as I mentioned in my previous paragraph..I have no extra time)....but I know I have family and friends that want to see the little ones....

We decorated eggs of course...

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And then Edwin decided to spill the orange stuff all over his Daddy!


On Easter Sunday, we went to Mass at 7:30am.....and then Diana, Ed and Edwin came to Mom and Dad's for brunch around 10ish. The Easter Bunny always makes his stop at Mom and Dad's (not our house)...so the boys were excited to find their stuff....

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As always...Pappy was in the kitchen cookin us up some yummy food!!!


Grandma was keeping Edwin busy while he was waiting for his food...


I love this one of him looking up at Grandma... I want this one BIG on my wall...love it!


We tried to get a pic of the boys together....and my child just couldn't stand there nicely..haha



After we ate...we took the boys outside for a little Easter Egg Hunt...it was so fun. I love having our 2 boys be so close and they love doing stuff together. Edwin adores Anthony and vice versa.

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Then Brian, Anthony and I went to Aunt Kathy's house (Brian's aunt). We always have Easter at their house and the Easter Egg hunt there is always the highlight. We don't see the family as often as we'd like (even though they all live in town) so it shocks me when I see the kids and how old they've gotten...time sure flies! We got there a little late so it was time for the Egg Hunt a few minutes after we got there...

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I take a pic of the cousins up against this fence ever Easter.....little Josh (the red head) wanted NOTHING to do with it this year...haha...and we were missing baby James who lives in Minnesota...


I hope you all had a Blessed Easter and remembered the real reason for this special special day!! God Bless!

1 comment:

Diana said...

Oh my gosh, you weren't kidding about those kids getting BIG!!!!! Wow!

I love the pics of our boys together...you're right, they adore each other :) And as long as you're getting a big one of Edwin and Grandma...I'll place an order as well. That is such a sweet picture!!